Cathay Magazine | 2024.05.01
South of The Buddha
Elsewhere in Mui Wo - whose ferry pier and surrounds are being given an extensive multi-million-dollar facelift - independents have been upping their game. The Beach House, as well as offering unmatched views over Silvermine Bay, pours everything from kombucha to locally brewed Double Haven craft beers. Solomon Leeder of wine boutique Leeder Quay hosts regular tastings, drawing from a stock that includes a well-curated range of organic and vegan-friendly reds and whites. And at Vibe, Gary Brightman has turned a second-hand bookshop into an unofficial community centre, hosting author talks and live-streamed gigs as well as selling vinyl records, CDs and stereo equipment.
"Folk bands and musicians have played here, we stock some quite specialised gear, and our 15,000 or so books include titles in Chinese, French and other languages," says Brightman, who packed in his IT job to devote himself to music and books.
梅窩其他地方也呈現一派新氣象。渡輪碼頭及周邊一帶經斥資數百萬元翻新後•獨立店舖湧現•社區面貌煥然一新。The Beach House坐擁銀礦灣的無敵景觀,供應康普茶及本地釀製的Double Haven手工啤酒等。李德記 (Leeder Quay)酒舖的東主Solomon Leeder則定期舉辦品酒會,挑選一系列佳釀供顧客品嚐,包括有機葡萄酒及適合純素人士的紅白酒。Gary Brightman將二手書店vibe轉為非正式社區中心,不時𡒊辦作者講座及網上串流直播音樂會•出售黑膠唱片、CD及音響器材。