Moving Party @ Mui Wo Pier Road Store
三年前的聖誕前夕,我們李德記 @leederquay 在梅窩碼頭悄悄的落腳了。話說我們之前不斷以遊牧方式在不同地方以 wine tasting event跟大家分享飲酒文化。品嘗美酒不只在乎價高物罕,反而垂手可得的成為生活一部份先係我哋最樂見嘅。而在這小島上落腳後,悠閑自得嘅生活節奏更令大家隨時隨地可以飲番杯酒,閒話家常。如果一條 little black dress 或一件black tux係wardrobe 嘅must-have,咁李德記嘅酒一定係你cabinet嘅must-have。
隨著業務發展和大家的鼎力支持,我們更在梅窩這個小島上開設另一間分店Leeder Quay Wine & Liquor Store。售賣的酒類由紅白酒擴展到烈酒及啤酒。來到2022年,李德記更走出梅窩小島,在中環插下旗幟。那裡的氛圍及中環的歷史為李德記添上多姿多彩的氣氛。偌大的空間無疑可以讓我們舉辦更多元化的品酒活動,為大家帶來另類的品酒聚腳點,透過飲酒擴大了大家的眼界和世界。
李德記的元老店將於3月中租約期滿, 屆時大家可以繼續在梅窩Leeder Quay Wine & Liquor Store和中環威靈頓街總店找到我們的蹤影,繼續一起品酒。總不想悄悄地跟元老店説再見,所以誠邀大家3月12日一起來這個元老店談談舊事,暢飲幾杯!讓我們一起定格這個小店的美好回憶吧。
Being a nomad wine seller for a year, @leederquay has been rooting for a little heaven at Mui Wo Pier since 2019 Dec. The laidback pace of Mui Mo life provoked the chill and wine mood for us. As always we aim to get people drinking causally with quality but at an unbeatable price. If you have your must-have in your wardrobe, you should have our wine in your cabinet.
As the business grows and with all your unconditional support, we have given born another baby on the island, a second @leederquay with a wider range of wines and spirits. Coming to 2022, we have walked out of the small island and flagged on Hong Kong Island. It’s destiny that we entered a century-old historic site. The atmosphere here and the history of Central make Leeder Quay more interesting. The spacious spaces make our interactions with our guests more diversified and provide us with an extraordinary place for connecting and exploring the world of wines together.
The lease of Leeder Quay Mui Wo store will expire in mid-March. At that time, you can always find us at the Leeder Quay Wine & Liquor Store in Mui Wo and the flagship store on Wellington Street in Central, for wine tasting. We don’t want to say goodbye to our first little heaven secretly, so you are sincerely invited to join us for a drink, and to retrieve old memories on March 12! Let us freeze all the good memories of this small shop together.